2008. szeptember 17., szerda

About Tennessee Transportation III.

Alcohol and You

Researchers estimate that between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m., one of every 10 drivers is intoxicated. More than one-third of these drivers have been drinking at someone else’s home. Nearly 50 percent of the drivers arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) are social to moderate drinkers. Don’t think that it won’t happen to you. In your lifetime, there’s a high probability that you’ll be involved in an alcoholrelated crash.

Ehhez a részhez bontok egy sört.

Penalties Applying to Any DUI Conviction

Avagy az alap büntetésekről. Ezek mellett a bíró még rengeteg dolgot kitalálhat. Az, hogy baromi drága mulatság csak egy dolog. Sok bünti esetében az ember inkább egy főbelövést kérne, szerintem.

Regardless of whether the conviction for driving under the influence is a driver’s first or not, several other laws apply:

  • IDs with “DUI Offender:” If a person with a license revoked for DUI applies for a photo identification license to carry during the period before his or her license can be restored, the department is required to indicate on the ID that the person is a DUI offender.
  • Litter Removal: A DUI conviction also requires litter pick-up for three eight-hour shifts. While removing litter, the offender has to wear a vest or other clothing displaying the message, “I am a DRUNK DRIVER.” If the offender is a Tennessee resident, the litter pick-up is done in his/her home county.
  • Vehicle Seizure: A vehicle can be seized if a driver is charged with driving on a revoked license when his/her driving privileges are already revoked as a result of a DUI conviction (first or subsequent). (...)
Prevention Of Drinking and Driving

The best advice, of course, is simply to not drink when you know you are going to drive. One of the most successful programs in recent years has been the designated driver concept, where
friends agree ahead of time which person will remain strictly sober. Many night clubs offer the designated driver free non-alcoholic beverages for the evening. Young people, who do not want to drink in the first place, are finding it more socially acceptable to offer to be the designated


2 megjegyzés:

Örs írta...

és hivatalosan meg lehet inni vmennyit vezetés előtt vagy zérotolerancia van?

bAtu írta...

Ha elmúltál 21, akkor Tennessee-ben 0.8% a határ (legal toxication level). Egy sör (0.355 ml) nagyjából 0.1-0.3%-ra, kettő pedig 0.4-0.7%-ra tolja fel a BAC-ot (Blood Alcohol Concentration).